Happy New Year!


Considering our last year is an act of remembering, or re-membering. I recall at my father's funeral the pastor told us to re-member Dad--to put the stories together like squares on a quilt. The quilt will keep you warm in the sad days ahead, he suggested. I just love the idea and I've found it to be true!

Yesterday, I led a group of missionary women in these questions to consider the last year. When we were finished I asked them about the re-membering experience. One said 2021 has been the worst year of her life, but as she re-membered the year, she saw God near her in every instance. Another said she couldn't think of many positive things happening in their ministry, and she wasn't too keen on doing the practice. But once she kept at it, more and more good things surfaced.

The goal is not simply to re-member good things (and it's wonderful when we do!), but to consider our reality (thus the prompts) and how it intersects with God's reality (thus the invitation at the end). That's where transformation occurs: at the intersection of our reality and God's reality. After we answered the prompts, I like to re-mind us who God is: kind, unhurried, creative, generous, holy, crazy in love with us!

So, find some time to consider your reality from 2021 and re-member who God is. Here are a few prompts I created and gathered from other resources:

  • What are the most important events that have happened to me or in me this past year?

  • As I think over the past year, what has been my greatest joy in my life with God? Where did I experience peace, happiness, contentment, shalom, serenity, beauty?

  • What gains have I experienced this year? Name them here:

  • As I think over the past year, what was my greatest struggle in my life with God? Where did I experience preoccupation, distress, sadness, depression, anxiety, fear, shame?

  • What losses have I experienced this year? Name them here:

  • The most significant spiritual experiences, lessons, or insights that Iā€™m taking with me into next year are (consider books, sermons, resources, practices and/or people):

  • As I look ahead, to the coming months what comes to mind? (Consider what feelings also arise.)

  • What do I sense God is inviting me to know, feel, see, remember?

(If you'd like a fuller set of questions for every area of your life,HEREis a great resource and one I borrowed some ideas from.)

Beth and I look forward to all God has for us in the new year.


P.S. We offer EXHALE weekly emails and silent retreats as a gift from our own lives (and because we need the practices and days of silence ourselves!). But we do have some administrative costs to keep EXHALE going (like the web hosting and emailing platform fees). If these offerings have been a blessing, we invite you to partner with us. Click here to give an tax-deductible, year-end gift. Thank you!

Judy Nelson Lewis